Euro 500

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Euro 500

A roadtrip to Europe.Happening in September.

    Friends dine together once a week


    Posts : 3
    Join date : 2011-03-01

    Friends dine together once a week Empty Friends dine together once a week

    Post  danfudf Tue Mar 01, 2011 2:59 am

    Friends dine together once a week, making friendship a weekly periodical. Lovers of nature in cities ride to the country once a week. We eat a boiled dinner once a week. Everybody in New EngAnd needs beans once a week. The weather comes round once a weekfair Sundays and wet Sundays coming in successivedozens. There is nothing agreeable in nature that is monthly,except the moon, and the very sight of that periodical put people to sleep;Brigadier.The subject troubles me, miboy! Let us change it. I've a funny communication here, from a Rip Van Winkle, who dates fifty years hence, andCommittee.Keep it till next week, general, and let us get into the fresh air. I'm manuscript sick. Alions Staywhile I mend my outer man a little, read this funny letter, sent me by the Beats By Dre lady to whom it was written. She thinks her friend, young Cinna Beverly,' is a genius.Brigadier reads with an occasional laugh." to miss phcebe lorn." Dear BelPhcebe : I have been twiddling my sunbeam' you say my letters are perfect sunshine' for some time, more or less, in a quandary as to what is now resolved upon as Dear BelPhoebe'the beginning of this meanttobe faultless epistle. I chanced to wake critical this morning, and, dear Phoebe,' as the begining of this letter of mine, looked both vulgar and meaningless, I inked it out as you see. A reference to my etymological dictionary, however, restored my liking for that dear' word. It is derived from the AngloSaxon verb Derian, which means to do mischief. Hence dearth, which, by doing mischief, makes what remains more precious, and hence dear, meaning something made precious by having escaped hurting. Dear Phoebe,' therefore meaning unhurt Phabe struck me as pretty wellyou being one of those delicious, lateloving women, destined to be c hurt' first at thirty. Still, the sacred word Phoebe' was too abruptly come upon. It sounded familiar, and familiarity Dr Dre Headphones should bereserved for the postscript. I should have liked to write dear Lady Phoebe,' or dear Countess Phoebe'but we are not permitted to read our title clear,' in this hideously simple country. Might I invent an appellative ? We say charwoman and horsemanwhy not put a descriptive word before a lady's name, by way of respectful distance.

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